Sometimes I like to think about Heaven. Because I really don’t know what it will be like there, I imagine it in a way that I would really love. First of all, there would be grand adventures. Like the Hobbit. Or like Star Wars, maybe. God would handpick me travel to other parts of His creation, and I would be equipped with the power of healing and I would have a little dagger in my boot and… OK, so maybe my view of Heaven is a LITTLE skewed by my current circumstances (and a little too much fiction). Still, while God gave me a good imagination, the things that thrill me are only things I can somewhat relate to. So, I will continue in this vein of my view of Heaven.
In my view of Heaven no one would go hungry. And there would be magnificent feasts. And you could have any food that you truly love. And unlike on Earth, you wouldn’t become easily discontent. Like tonight, I had a cheeseburger and then I thought I wanted a candy bar, too. I wasn’t even hungry anymore but I thought I wanted one. In Heaven, you’d already be content so you wouldn’t even think about needing the candy bar. But, of course, there still would be candy bars.
I would also probably have a flying horse or two. Who wouldn’t? And a faithful dog and a reasonable cat. Maybe even a panther or something. And since it’s Heaven, he wouldn’t want to eat me or anything.
I like to think that I will have a specific purpose in Heaven. I don’t like to be idle, so I hope God has a plan for each of us. I don’t really buy the harp-on-the-cloud-image that someone came up with.
Another thing is, I would be able to read in Heaven. I think there would be so many incredible things to read in Heaven. Maybe there will be books on Creation from Heaven’s perspective. Or there could be truths to Science that were never discovered by humans. There would also be tales of martyrs, angels and of Jesus coming to Earth. I think there might be an angel keeping track of everything that has ever happened. That would be worth reading.
Better than anything mentioned yet, would be the chance to see all of the people I met in life. It would be such a wonderful reunion. I am sure that there will be crying. Grand happy tears of FINALLY understanding and loving each other without sin getting in the way. And I would sit with them for decades and ask them what life was like for them, and ask them what it was like to see their faith come to fruition. And then I would ask them what they felt like when they finally heard the words, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” We would also discuss God’s endless grace. How many times He forgave us. How foolish we once were, and how easily blinded we were in every single moment of our stupid little lives. But, we will rejoice in that, because God, in his love, extended mercy where our meager attempts didn’t add up. We will really be full of gratitude, but not full of guilt.
And the best part of all. The VERY best part of ALL, will be that we will be in the presence of God. Where faith gives way to seeing, and a long arduous journey brings us to a good end. And we will no longer be tempted to sin, but can live in perfect communion with the One we love the most. This part is so much bigger than I am, so much grander than anything I can imagine, that I really can’t find the words to describe it. But, that would definitely be the very best part of all.